we do
We call on women in the artistic environment who wish to have their work exhibited in a space different from their everyday lives. Fronterizas believes that many women approach art with their work and do not realize the creative impact they cause in their work and home environments.
We encourage sharing production spaces, opening and activating new dialogues in an intercultural context. We understand this as a process of communication and relationship between different cultural groups.
“Change your life today. Don’t gamble on the future, act now, without delay”
Simone de Beauvoir
we are


Is a collective created by Ivonne Almanza and Gisella Cristancho. Two Colombian artists and cultural managers, based in the United States and Colombia.
The collective crosses borders of time and space, conceptual, territorial, gender and trade borders and through art is empowered to create, make visible and take on new spaces that allow them to make the transition from the intimate to the public.

Hispanic WoW: Empowering women through art
Ep 88 YOUR VIRTUAL THERAPY- Empowering women through ART- Ivonne Almanza and Gisella Cristancho
Fronterizas Collective Interview
What is living on the border?
“Is to recognize and accept vulnerable as an exercise of resistance”
Susana Ojeda